The next frontier for space exploration is a mission to Mars planned for 2030. This ambitious international space adventure hopes to answer the question of whether there is or has ever been life on the Red Planet. The Mission to Mars pop-up book illustrates the technology necessary to achieve this ambitious mission, analyzing the environmental and atmospheric conditions astronauts will encounter, and whether the planet can sustain human life, with 3 amazing multi-dimensional pop-ups: Mars Perseverance Rover, the Nautilus X Spacecraft, and the Mars Biodome. Each 2-page spread includes a fold-out with extended reading and photographs further detailing each phase of the mission's preparation. Topics covered in the book include the 2006 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, NASA's 2020 launch of the Perseverance Rover and its mission, preparations for Mars, artificial gravity, Nautilus-X, and life on Mars. This information-rich book will engage and educate young space enthusiasts with striking photographs, lots of interesting and unusual facts, and in-depth insight into the work being done in preparation for the Mission to Mars.
Publish Date
9.75" x 11.25" x 0.0"
David Hawcock
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